Winter Weather Info

Here are some websites for finding information about winter weather and road conditions.

DISCLAIMER: Weather and road conditions can change rapidly and the information given across the sites may not be entirely in synch. ​This list simply offers the opportunity to weigh up the evidence and then exercise judgment & caution, according to your own competence ​/experience​ & the limitations of your vehicle.
All sites stress that gritting does not guarantee that roads will be snow or ice free.​
  • The BBC weather site with an hour by hour local forecast.
  • Link to the AA interactive map with traffic information for anywhere in the country
  • Local forecast updated regularly with messages from the general public about conditions around Buxton, including high level routes. NB Relies on people sending in the information, so no comments doesn’t mean there’s nothing out there.
  • A link to the webcam at the Cat and Fiddle Inn. Only gives a picture of what the road is like at the top – sometimes conditions are much worse at lower levels on the bends, steeper stretches and in sheltered spots. If you click on the camera picture, it will take you to the webcam image of Flash Bar on the A53.
  • A bit further away – but this site includes info about road closures and problems nearer to home too. Scroll down on the left hand side and you will see references to incidents on motorways and road conditions all over the country.There is also a link to a page dedicated to the Woodhead Pass.
  • Derbyshire County Council. If you click on the link next to the snow plough, it takes you to a map of the gritting routes. You can zoom in on the road you want to look at, click on it and you will find information about when the route was last gritted.
  • Sheffield City Council provide some information (much less specific than Derbyshire CC) @sccstreetsahead
  • As above for Cheshire – @CEC Highways